

Veriv Africa's economic coverage will feature intricate analyses of trends, data, and policies shaping Nigeria's economic landscape. From discussions on inflation and GDP growth, to nuanced explorations of monetary and fiscal policies, our platform will be a go-to resource for those seeking a profound understanding of the economic forces at play.


Understanding The Dynamics Of Inflation In Nigeria

Nigeria has a history of grappling with rising prices, marked by significant spikes in inflation rates. In the 1990s, inflation soared to 57.03% in 1994 and 72.83% in 1995.

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Why the CBN is Losing Its Fight Against Inflation (I)

What is Inflation? Inflation, as you have probably heard, is a situation where too much money is chasing too few goods. However, that only tells one part of the story.

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Why the CBN is Losing Its Fight Against Inflation (II)

The first part of this insight highlighted the strategies that the CBN was employing in its fight against inflation and their limitations. The second part will focus on an analysis of the components of Nigeria’s inflation and the factors influencing.......

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Nigeria's Non-Oil Sector: A Path to Sustainable Growth

For decades, the Nigerian economy has relied heavily on oil as its primary source of revenue. Nigeria’s oil accounts for 80 percent of the country's revenue and foreign exchange gains.

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What Is a Sovereign Wealth Fund? 

Resource-rich nations with large reserves of commodities and crude oil usually benefit from a surge in prices in the global market. As market prices increase, these nations profit from the sale of these resources and sometimes profit beyond projections.

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The Dark Decade: A Data Story of Nigeria's De-growth Years (2015–2024)

In April 2024, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) revealed that Nigeria’s gross domestic product (GDP) will decline to $253 billion in 2024, driven primarily by the devaluation of the naira.

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What Happened to the M.I.N.T. Economies?

In 2001, Lord Jim O’Neill, a former Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs, coined the term “B.R.I.C.” as an acronym for the emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India, and China.

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Enhancing Nigeria’s Economy Through Textile Development

Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 2.98% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2024, surpassing the 2.31% recorded in the first quarter of 2023 but lower than the 3.46% growth in the fourth quarter of 2023.

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Is Food Inflation in Nigeria Really 39%? Analysing the NBS Methodology for Computing Nigeria’s CPI

“I do not agree with that statistic” These were the words of Dr Ajibola Bashiru in a viral clip as he debated with Seun Okinbaloye, the Channels TV anchor on the TV show “Politics Today”, on the headline inflation rate in Nigeria.

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Rising Tides: Analysing Nigeria's Soaring Public Debt and Its Sustainability Concerns

Nigeria’s mounting debts are approaching unsustainable levels, demanding immediate and unwavering attention from policymakers.

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Consumer Credit Scheme: Potential Gains for Nigerians

Across various economies, including the most advanced, the government and other stakeholders collaborate to establish avenues for individuals and households to access credit through a consumer credit scheme.

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The IMF and the World Bank: Roles and Responsibilities in New Global Development

At the end of the Second World War, the allied nations were tasked with rebuilding their local economies and the global economy at large.

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The Impact of Multidimensional Poverty in Nigeria: Challenges and Solutions

The first goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to combat poverty in all its forms everywhere. Poverty is a global and long-standing issue.

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How Many Poor People Live in Nigeria?

How Much Capital Importation Did Nigeria Receive in 2023?

How Much Capital Importation Did Nigeria Receive in 2023?

How Many Nigerians Have Access to Financial Services?

How Many Nigerians Have Access to Financial Services?

What is Nigeria's Annual Headline Inflation Rate From Independence to Date?

What is Nigeria's Annual Headline Inflation Rate From Independence to Date?

What Is Nigeria’s Spending On Healthcare Per Capita?

What Is Nigeria’s Spending On Healthcare Per Capita?

What Is Nigeria’s Current Money Supply (M3)?

What Is Nigeria’s Current Money Supply (M3)?